
Monday, September 3, 2012

Altered Post Card Seashells

Next Saturday is our local Altered Book Club meeting.  One of my commitments is to do a postcard on the subject of Seashells.  This one took some thinking on my part. After stewing on the project for about 3 weeks I finally decided to do something totally different.  Now you know I love watercolor but when I do a watercolor project it is with stamps and markers.  When searching on the internet on seashells I ran across a children's book about collecting seashells and the artwork for the book blew me away.  So, here is my first watercolor where I DREW the image....not a stamp in sight.  Something weird happened while I was painting.  Do you see the image of a heart between the girls hand and her face?  Well I didn't do that.  It appeared on it's own I assume the way the water worked on the paper??? I decided to leave it. What do you think?

